Massage Therapy Scope of Practice
Registered Massage Therapy Scope of Practice which is regulated by the RHPA (Regulated Health Professions Act) & CMTO (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario)
Integrative Therapies: CranioSacral Therapy, Myofascial, Jin Shin Do ® (JSD) Bodymind Acupressure ™, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Visceral Manipulation
All therapies are used to:
- Enhance Range of Motion (ROM)
- Decrease Pain and Swelling
- Increase Breath and Energetic/Meridian Flows for Circulation, Oxygenation, Well Being and Clarity
Why I incorporate Integrative Therapies into my treatments:
Focus is primarily on fascia, ligaments and the fluid systems of the body (cerebral spinal fluid and body fluid exchange). It interpenetrates and surrounds muscles, bones, organs, nerves, blood vessels and other structures. Fascia is an uninterrupted, three-dimensional web of tissue that extends from head to toe, from front to back, from interior to exterior. Fascia and fluids encase all organs, muscles and glands. Together, their “health” affects the structural environment and overall “slide, glide and movement” of all tissues. I incorporate the specialized modalities of treatment along with massage therapy to release tension on surrounding structures such as muscles, cranial and peripheral nerves .
Visceral Manipulation
For mobility and motility of structures supporting organs. Ideal for scar tissue adhesions due to surgery and injury.
Visceral manipulation is a gentle therapy that helps to encourage the normal, healthy mobility and motility of the organs and their connective tissues. It can benefit acute disorders such as: whiplash, asthma, fibromyalgia, hip, knee, rib pain and abdominal sports injuries. As well, it can help reduce adhesions developed post operatively. Fascia and ligaments of organs such as lungs, thryroid, hrt, intestines, liver, kidney, stomach can hold restrictive patterns from injury, stress and scar tissue, which can cause pain in other areas.
Craniosacral Therapy (CST)
Craniosacral therapy focuses on the bones, membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. It is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of this body system. This approach focuses on the central nervous system and the enclosed membranes, as well as the fascia (a specialized connective tissue covering muscles, organs and glands). The fascia covering creates a type of “stocking” that keeps the body and its structures together and flowing in a smooth, continuous fashion. During treatment, the bones are used as levers and the parasympathetic system is stimulated. The intended result is to help release deep restriction in a gentle manner. The muscle memory movements and positions facilitate the release of soft tissue restrictions and emotional trauma from the physiological tissues involved in injury process.
Sports Massage Techniques: Pre/Post Massage, Injuries Acute Chronic
Stimulatory techniques are used to increase circulation and stimulate the nervous system.. Massage and fascial techniques are used to decrease muscle spasming, regain length and ease of movement. Proprioceptive passive and active facilitation, muscle contraction, reciprocal inhibition. and peripheral joint mobilization to restore motion and release trapped nerves.
Hot Stone Massage Contrast Therapy (Hot Basalt - iron, Mg+, Silica, Ca+/Cold Stones Marble)
Heat is a precursor to deep tissue massage. The use of hot stones decreases pain, congestion and increases freedom of movement in muscles and joints through Increased flow of blood and lymph, cellular metabolism, and viscosity of synovial fluid which increases range of motion decreased muscle spasm.. Heat and relaxation stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to enhance sedation, mood and sleep quality, Cold Marble stones are used in contrast to reduce inflammation, soreness and pain. Hot and Cold application penetrates, detoxifies and decongests fascia and sore muscles.. Cold stimulates and increases tone and analgesic properties. Contrast therapy is effective in Pre/Post treatments for TP, frictions, TMJ work, tendonitis, decrease acute pain and swelling. Strains/Sprains.
Jin Shin Do ® (JSD) Bodymind Acupressure ™
Jin Shin Do is a unique synthesis of traditional Japanese acupressure techniques, classic Chinese acupressure theory, Reichian segmental theory, Taoist philosophy and Qigong exercises. This therapy outlines tension points associated with common physical problems and with distressing feelings like anxiety, depression, guilt and anger. JSD acupressure uses the same points as acupuncture. However, instead of “needling”, two points are usually held -- one in an area of local tension, and the other distal to it, but on the same “meridian” or “channel” (energy pathway). By simultaneously activating the points it helps to release the flow of energy along the meridian. Thus, loosening muscles, releasing stress, tension and rebalancing the mind and body.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)
Manual lymphatic drainage is a precise technique designed to accelerate the normal functioning of the lymphatic system. It cleanses the connective tissue of inflammatory materials and toxins; enhances the activity of the immune system; reduces pain; and promotes the functioning of the parasympathetic nervous system. Therefore, it facilitates the healing of injuries (acute or chronic conditions) by decreasing inflammation. Lymphatic drainage is excellent for the treatment of injuries such as: whiplash, headaches, sinusitis, ear/nose/throat infections, TMJ and gingivitis, arthritis, varicose veins, poor circulation, wounds and scars. It is a very gentle and relaxing technique that can be used to encourage relaxation and healing response within the body.
For conditions of Cancer and lymphedema, please see a specialist for lymphatic drainage, if advised by medical practitioner M.D/N.D and/or Oncologist.
All therapies are not a cure for systemic disease or pathology, and are intended to be used in conjunction with standard medical treatment. As well, there are very few contraindications to craniosacral therapy, acupressure, manual lymphatic drainage and visceral manipulation. All of these therapies assist the body’s own healing process and mechanisms.
Copyright© Shauna Park, RMT 2024