Registered Massage Therapy Rates Physiotherapy Clinics
$ 80.00 .5 hour, $103.00 .75 hour $120.00 1 hour, $170.00 1.5 hour (includes HST)
You will be billed for appointments missed or cancelled with less than 24 hours notice for massage. Fees are reimbursable under extended health care benefits plans covering a Registered Massage Therapist.
Osteopathic College of Ontario DOMP Osteopathic Manipulation Regulated by OFOP Muscle Energy, Myofascial 1/2, Strain/Counterstrain, Ligamentous 1/2, CranioSacral 1/2, Visceral Manipulation 1/2, Lymphatic Activation, Still Technique, CranioSacral Therapy & Visceral Manipulation
- Concussions & Advanced Techniques Sean-Michael Latimour Osteopath, Sports Massage Therapist cc
- Treating Trapped Nerves, Tendinopathies & Reflex Spasm Erik Dalton, Ph.D.
- Manual Therapy to Eliminate Multiple Nerve Compression Pattern of the Upper Body James Waslaski
- Student of Jin Shin Do ® BodyMind Acupressure ™ (Iona Marsaa Teeguarten M.A.M.F.C.C.)*
- Neural Manipulation Level1 (Barral Institute)
- Total Body Balancing Lymphatic Balancing D'Ambrogio Institute
- The Brain Speaks (Anatomy, Physiology of Brain)
- CranioSacral Therapy II * (Upledger Institute)
- SomatoEmotional Release I,II (Upledger Institute)
- Viceral Manipulation I, II,III, IV, V (Visceral Emotional Techniques) *(Barral Institute)
- Integrated Lymphatic Drainage I * (Toronto Lymphocare Centre) Sport, Injury, Relaxation
- For conditions of Cancer and lymphedema, please see a specialist for lymphatic drainage, if advised by medical practitioner M.D/N.D and/or Oncologist.
- Registered Massage Therapist & Sports Injury/Assessment (1998 CCMH) & Deep Tissue Massage Therapy
- Yoga Fit ® Certification Level 1,2, 3, Pranayama, Meditation & Mindfulness, Anatomy, Seniors Certifications
- Reiki Master Level 3
- Mixed Martial Arts & Yoga Fitness Instruction (remedial exercises)
- Yoga, Pranayama and MMA mixed Martial Art conditioning is good for building a solid physical and mental foundation of strength, endurance and flexibility.
- Psychology courses (York University - 2 years honors B.A. Psychology)